Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Did I do last week?

Went for an interview at LLY & Associates, an accounting firm last week.

-us, together with another 2 chartered accountants-

Obviously, that was for the purpose of our assignment, AIS 1.
Well, most of us have planned to start writing our assignment this week,
But..just out of sudden, this happen few days ago...

" NO. You can't interview an audit firm. "
"Sir, what if we had already interviewed the company? "
" NO choice. You have gotta find a new company and RE-Interview again."

What the....
That was the conclusion.
Now. Eech of us has got to scratch our head... *scratch till bleeding*
In order to look for another company to interview.
This is obviously not an easy task.
As we have not much time left.

Though there are tons of assignments...
Who cares?
Family Day is still a MUST!
A small gathering of "Teh's Family" ~~

These are some of the food that we had...and guess what?!
I have planned to learn the way of baking some of these,
Of course, during my final break later.

-mashed potato, exclusively from Aaron..-
This is really really nice. No lies..

-apple muffin, from Lilian-
I ate 3 of this. So, imagine the taste of it!

-part of the food for the night-

-a must for a health conscious family like us!-

-of course, not to forget this "MUST" after every meal-
*pu-er tea...*

And now.
Something which embarrass me for days...

Does it look nice?
Hmm..I guess yea..
From the picture, I lOoks nice right?
But trust me, It is NOT!
That was my hasil kerja last week.
" Melted Marshmallow with choco chips "

~so embarrassing la...~

Supposedly, it should be something edible...
However, it ends up to be in a liquid form.
At last, we made it into marshmallow spread.

Hoping to learn more skills from Aaron & Lilian.
They are such a good cook!


  1. Elaine said...
    nvm bout the interview part, coz we get lots of info bout our "future" work prospect & condition.

    Yee Lin, practise makes perfect. Try baking again next time. I'll be waiting. hehe..
    samurai@teraflare said...
    wow,great! i love food!
    especially those baked. Mmmm~ don't worry...u can make it better next time...if can let me try ya...haha...
    ...Yee Lin... said...
    Ee lin, thanks for the support. Yes Yes..I'll try next time! ^^ Wait for me yea..

    Tera, sure...I know you are good at baking...Maybe I shall learn from you..^^

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